Pool Maintenance: You should perform maintenance on you pool once a week and a quick once over mid-week sometime.
Weekly Checks:
-empty and clean skimmer baskets
-empty and clean pump baskets
-skim with pool net surface and bottom of pool to remove large debris
-Vacuum pool to remove finer debris
-empty and clean pool robot
-check filter pressure and clean/backwash when DP is more than 10psi from starting pressure
-Brush! Brush! Brush! The number 1 thing you can do in pool maintenance
-scrub tiles with scouring pad
Remember to give these a quick once over mid-week along with a good brushing.
Circulation: Circulation is one of the more important aspects of a clean and health pool. Improper pool circulation can leave dead spots in the pool and wont properly circulate your chemicals.
-Pump speed should be set at 1 turn over every 4 to 6 hours at minimum.
-Summer requires longer run times (18-24hrs) and winter around 12 hrs.
-If running a low speed and high speed pool setting run the high speed during the hottest part of the day if possible.
-Face pool returns down and at an angle to help pool water churn from the bottom to the top.
-Verify skimmer doors are working properly to help create the vortex effect.
-70% of you pool water should be getting pulled through the skimmers so pinch off on main drain as needed
Freeze Protection
During deep freeze conditions you need to insure that water is circulating through the entire pool. Turn on filter pump and any features for the duration of the freeze. The heater can be turned on but is not required to keep the equipment from freezing.
Loss of Power
1. Turn off all breakers at control panel
2. Open air relief valve on top of filter
3. Remove lids on pumps
4. Remove drain plugs on pumps
5. Remove drain plug from filter
6. Move Multiport valve to backwash and remove plug (sand and DE filters)
7. Open in-line chlorinator and remove plug
8. Block in Auto fill and open vents
9. Place all plugs in pump basket or zip lock bag so they don't get lost.
10. Call us if you have an questions.
Pool Chemistry: For the easiest way to do your pool chemistry download the Orenda Technologies App. It does all the calculating for you. Enter in all your reading on the left side and adjust on the right side til you reach an LSI in the green.
A few things to remember:
-Chlorine levels should be around 10 ppm to shock your pool bring chlorine levels to 15ppm
-If you test and get a combined chlorine of .2 or higher it means you have chloramines in the pool and need to bring chlorine to 15ppm or higher. DO NOT swim in your pool as its unsanitary and will cause your eyes to burn
-Keeping your Alkalinity at the 80-90 range will contain your PH and not let it get higher than 8.1 from week to week
-When adjusting Alkalinity ignore the dosages for PH in the app
-Alk and Calcium hardness should be in a 1:3 ratio and total more than 400. EX: ALK-80 CH-320
-A good number for CYA is 40, if it goes over the 100ppm mark the CDC no longer considers the pool sanitary. Partial drain and refill or a slight overflow for a few hours will lower this.
-Temperature really affects your pool so always get a good reading when making adjustments. Most plaster damage happens during the winter months.
-Always dilute acid and calcium in a bucket before adding to pool, chlorine and cal-hypo can be added directly to pool.
Filtration: Without filtration you will never get that clear sparkling pool. The most common is the cartridge filter. They require little maintenance and are pretty easy to clean.
To Clean:
-Place system in "service" mode
-Open air vent on top of filter
-Pull drain plug from bottom
-Loosen band and remove
-Pull off top half of filter housing
-Remove filter cartridges
-Rinse cartridges
-Spray with CV-600 or Simple Green (Do not use acid to clean filters) and let sit for a few minutes
-Install cartridges
-Install filter housing and tighten band
-Install drain plug
-Turn on Pump (prime pump if needed)
-Vent all air out and close air vent
-Return to "auto" mode
Tips- Clean filters twice a year if it needs it or not. Once you get a 10psi DP the filter needs to be cleaned. To get even better filtration out of your cartridge filter get Jack's Magic Filter Fiber Stuff. It works great and gives you DE filter levels of filtration.