
We believe in a minimalist approach to managing a pool. My kids are sensitive to chlorine so we treat everyone's pool as if my own children will be swimming in it. Enzyme treatment is a must to do this and is included in your weekly service. We limit our techs to 8 pools a day (industry standard is 10-15) This allows the techs enough time to fully service the pool and not try to fit the service into a 10 min window. This also gives us the ability to send our techs to schools to learn more about pool chemistry and pool equipment. We always stay on top of the newest and most advanced ways to manage a pool. Our techs always love to share information and keep you informed of proper pool care. If you sign on to our weekly pool service, ask us about scheduling a pool school.
What You Get
Check pool chemicals
Skim Surface
Skim Bottom
Scrub Tiles
Empty Skimmer Basket
Empty Pump Basket
Brush Walls
Check/Adjust Circulation
Check Pump
Check Filters
Check Heater
Adjust pool chemicals
Prepare Report and Emailed to Client